Smartaupairs in Recent Media


For our normally blissfully quiet office, tucked away in Kent - having TWO media appearances within a week certainly brought a bit of excitement to our life! Appearance on French TV.

We were approached by our French partner organisation to take part in a documentary which covers the exploitation of au pairs - and how using an agency like Smartaupairs/our French sending agency - can provide a safety net for all parties.

Our Hone host family and their au pair Oceane kindly agreed to take part in the documentary to represent what the program and experience is meant to be like. 

You can watch the full documentary here - it is in French. Our family and office appearance is at the end from 16min onwards.

The Times 

  Times logo

We also made an appearance in the Times newspaper whereby the au pair solution - smartaupairs was recommended as one way to delegate and thereby as a way to making the family life that little bit easier.

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