"Smartaupairs is a very organized and helpful organization. I am very happy that I was able to start my stay abroad with such a reliable Au pair organization. I have always been very happy with the services! Tuuli, my contact person at the organization, is a very friendly and helpful person. I could always contact her with questions and concerns. She always took time for me and helped me to find solutions for my problems. Tuuli has also always responded very quickly and has always been very reliable. The placement with my host family went very well. I regularly received placement suggestions and always had a contact person. Also, if I had any questions, I could always get in touch with the organization or Tuuli via the contact information (phone, e-mail). I always felt safe and happy with smartaupairs and Tuuli. They helped me with so many things and I would recommend smartaupairs to every Au Pair, who would like to travel to the United Kingdom."
Sara | Au Pair from Germany