Recent Smartaupairs Meetups -The Boat Race and the Oxford Trip


It's been so busy we have not yet had the chance to post these pics, better later than never! In April, we joined the famous Boat race Oxford against Cambridge in London. It is a typical English event where the two large universities compete. The weather was lovely, it almost felt like summer. We were sitting in a park next to the river and watched the race either on the big screen or live.  The atmosphere was amazing! 😊 There were so many people having picnic, drinks and cheering their team.

Three weeks later we travelled to Oxford together. We joined a free walking tour, which was amazing. The guide showed us the most beautiful and famous buildings and provided us with stories of the city. In the afternoon, we did Punting. It is a very typical activity where three people are sitting in a punting boat and one person tries to push it forward with a large stick. It is definitely more difficult than it looks 😃

We would say we’ve had two successful days 😉 Thanks to everyone who joined us! 

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