National Minimum/Living Wage - Prepare for Changes 2023


The national minimum wage guidelines are changing in April 2023. 


The following weekly rates for live in au pairs/childcarers apply (these are for guidance/sample only - please always consult tax professionals such as Nannytax for tax/ni related queries):

Minimum Weekly Pay for 18-20 Year Old Au Pair/Live in Child carer:

25 hours per week: £7.49 times 25 minus £63.70 = £ 123.55

30 hours per week:  £7.49 times 30 minus £63.70 = £ 161

Hourly Rate: £7.49

Minimum Weekly Pay for 21-22 Year Old Au Pair/Live in Child carer: 

25 hours per week: £10.18 times 25 minus £63.70 = £ 190.80

30 hours per week: £10.18 times 30 minus £63.70 = £ 241.70

Hourly Rate: £10.18

Minimum Weekly Pay for 23 + Year Old Au Pair/Live in Child Carer 

25 hours per week: £10.42 times 25 minus £63.70 = £196.80

30 hours per week: £10.42 times 30 minus £63.70 = £ 248.90

Hourly Rate: £10.42

These calculations are indicative only – always check with Payroll/Tax/NI professional (we recommend NannyTax).

Same principle applies for less/more hours.

Accommodation Offset (From April 23):

£9.10 Daily

£63.70 Weekly 


Please refer to our earlier blog post regarding au pairs and NMW.

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