Au pairs and cooking with kids

[caption id="attachment_1857" align="alignnone" width="300"]Cooking with kids for au pairs Cooking with kids for au pairs[/caption] With most of our host families asking us about au pairs who can help with meal preparation or simple cooking; we explored ways to make this easier for the au pair.  In looking for simple recipes that are relevant to Australia, I was most impressed by the 4 ingredients range. In plain English and without too much fuss the lovely recipes are explained. Rachel, the author, who is a mum herself, believes in simply healthy food and even created 4 ingredients for kids! In your next welcome pack, you will find one of her 4 ingredients cookbooks. We hope you will encourage your au pair and your children to ‘get cooking’. Here are 7 reasons why we encourage au pairs to cook with kids: 1) In most households, the kitchen is where the action is. Sharing the kitchen with children encourages their interest in cooking. 2) Cooking is a great way to bond, chat and learn from each other.  3) It’s a fun way to encourage lifelong healthy eating habits. 4) Cooking makes you creative and confident about food. 5) Children learn other skills such as planning, maths (as weighing, measuring and timing) in a playful manner 6) Food is a great way to share your culture. 7) Your entire family gets to eat lovely food! (and its cheaper than buying ready-made) Please also share our safety tips for cooking with kids with your au pair Part of cooking with kids is teaching them kitchen safety. Here are some basic safety rules to get started: 1. An adult should always supervise cooking until you are certain that the child is old enough to handle the responsibility. 2. Always wash your hands before starting. 3. Keep a safe distance from a hot stove top and oven. Turn pot and pan handles towards the back of the stove to prevent accidents. 4. Avoid sampling raw eggs or meat. 5. Let the child practice cutting with a butter knife and graduate to a sharper blade only when you both feel comfortable.
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